We had a very fun Christmas season with the girls. The anticipation leading up to Christmas was a lot of fun. Abby really enjoyed all of the events surrounding Chirstmas. A couple of weeks ago, we went to a drive-thru Nativity. We did this last year as well and always seems to be something that we talk about over and over with Abby for days afterward. We also held a Christmas concert at Daybreak earlier in December. This was a lot of fun and if you weren't yet in the Christmas spirit yet, this was a great way to get there! I think the highlight of the concert, for me anyway, was having Abby sing with the KidZone kid's for the first time. They sang a couple of songs and she did great. She practiced the songs here at home several times a day so she knew them very well by the time she sang at the concert. It was definitely a "Proud Mom" moment.
Christmas was also very exciting. On Christmas Eve, we went to Aunt Emily's apartment and made dinner and then we let the girls open one gift each. Ally opened a couple of puzzles and Abby opened the game 'Hungry, Hungry Hippos'. Needless to say, we all spent that evening playing games and putting puzzles together with the girls. Both of the girls had so much fun opening gifts on Christmas morning, and it was exciting to watch them open a present that they had really wanted or we knew they would really enjoy. Emily came over and opened gifts with us as well. the rest of the day was spent playing and justing hanging out as a family. We enjoyed the time together, not only with all of the gifts, but remembering the ultimate reason for Christmas and also the reason why Jesus was sent here to earth as a baby.
Grandma Storey flew out for a visit late Wednesday night and was here until Sunday night. The girls loved having her here and we had a great time together as always.
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