

Aidan is growing, growing, growing....and teething, teething, teething. These are fun times. He continues to be such a happy baby. He is teething so much right now and hasn't been sleeping well through the night for several weeks now, but I keep hoping things will get better once a tooth appears. He is a little fussy & wants to be held more during the day, but it's not too bad. I just know he's uncomfortable and that bothers me more than anything. I definitely don't mind holding him more! He has such a great personality. He's very laidback, but loves to laugh. He really loves his sisters and gets such a kick out of them. Just tonight the girls were getting ready to take a bath, and they were jumping around and playing and Aidan was just laughing and giggling so hard at them. His eyes even started to water! It was great. I love to see my kids having so much fun and enjoying each other! The girls are enjoying Aidan more and more, especially now that he is more responsive. Ally really can't get enough of him. She is constantly coming up to give him hugs & kisses and still wants to hold him all the time. Aidan also loves his Daddy (of course). If David is talking, he just turns toward Daddy and just stares at him or will smile at him. He also loves to hear Daddy sing. A couple of weeks ago David was singing a solo at church and I noticed Aidan turned his head toward Daddy and then I stood him up on my lap and he just stared at Daddy the whole time. What a love!

Here are Aidan's stat's from his 4 month appointment:

Weight: 15 lbs 7 oz. (up from 13 lbs. 4 oz. @ 2 mths)
Height: 25 1/4 in. (up from 24.5 inches)
Head: 42.5 cm (up from 41.5)

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