
Awesome Ultrasound Pictures!

Yesterday, we had an appointment for a 3D ultrasound. The doctor had sent us for this because the baby's head was so low at my 20-week ultrasound that they couldn't get a good measurement of it and they wanted to make sure their was no risk of me going in to labor. Well, it turns out all is fine and the doctor we saw yesterday had no concerns. Praise God!

We did get some pretty awesome pictures of our baby and we were able to find out the sex as well. Yes, my husband caved, and we found out. We are so excited and it's still hard for us to believe, but we are going to have a BOY! Abby has been telling me for a while that she was going to have a brother. (She also asked me if there was a baby in my tummy before we were ready to tell anyone. I'm thinking that she has some sort of weird sense and is able to know these things.) Anyway, we are so thrilled to bring a little boy into our family, and now we can prepare for the little guy!

Enjoy some pictures!

3D Profile of Baby's Face and Hand

3D Picture That Proves I'm a BOY!
(Follow the Arrow)

The doctor also took some 4D images of our baby. These are pretty awesome! Here they are:

4D Image of Face & Arm

4D Image of Baby Yawning & Rubbing Eyes


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures - especially the 4D ones!

Mark and Laura said...

Congratulations on having a boy! Not that you had any control over that but I know you all are thrilled. Those 4D pictures are amazing. I can't believe there is that kind of technology. WOW!

Have a wonderful day!


The van Brackel Family said...

I am so excited for you guys! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I need to ask Dan to see if he can tie this into my LJ, so I can see when you guys write!

Very adorable pictures!